
    Data and description

    The 163-year-old station is named after the original builder and operator of it, the Southern Railway Company (Déli Vaspályatársaság). The building complex, still visible today, was constructed in two phases to replace and extend the functions of the railway terminal, which was bombed during World War II. The once elegant, modern passenger hall is decorated with many valuable sculptures to explore, in addition to Victor Vasarely’s work of Zsolnay ceramic tiles, which was installed on Railwaymen’s Day 1986 and can be seen in the so-called cloisters.

    Do you know something about this house? Share with us at the budapest100@kek.org.hu email address!

    House events

      • 12:00 - 20:00
        "The 163-year-old railway station that they keep trying to close"

        Building history exhibition in the Waiting Hall

      • 16:00 - 17:00
        Building history tour. (HUN)
        Participation: Registration required
        Registration: Active
        Létszám (magán): 2 / 20

        A walk through the history of the building (HUN), focusing on the Southern Passenger Hall - guided by art historian Márta Branczik (BTM Kiscelli Museum), the building's researcher

      • 16:30 - 18:00
        Közösségi program
        "Sihuhu - travel stories, waiting room stories" - HUN

        Community drawing workshop (HUN) led by Kormos Mercedes (Furagura Creative Workshop) in the Vácóczarnok

      • 18:00 - 20:00
        A martonvásári 11-es Szoba - jazz quartet concert

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