Budapest100 is an architectural-cultural festival,
a celebration of communities and the city,
a weekend, that brings city dwellers and neighbors closer together and draws attention
to the built values around us.

  • 14
  • 165.000+
  • 700+
    open houses
  • 2400+

    About the program

    Budapest100 Castle District,
    2022. Fotó © Balázs Mohai

    It’s the houses that keep the spirit of the city alive – it’s the residents who can pass on the stories, and the Budapest100 weekend is always a good opportunity to do so.

    Budapest100 Castle District,
    2022. Fotó © Balázs Mohai

    The programme was launched in 2011 by the Open Society Archives and KÉK – Contemporary Architecture Centre, in celebration of the centenary of the houses in Budapest. In 2016, we started in a new direction, choosing different themes because few new houses could be built during the First World War. We first opened the buildings along the then 120-year-old Grand Boulevard, then celebrated along the Quays. We Shared the Square in 2018, and in 2019, to mark the Bauhaus centenary, we have explored Budapest’s modern architecture. The 10th Budapest100 was also organised as a celebration of communities: any house could join, regardless of age or location.

    Budapest100 Castle District,
    2022. Fotó © Balázs Mohai

    Our awards

    • Shared cities: Creative Momentum – from 2016
    • DANUrB – from 2017
    • URBACT Transfer network – from 2018



    • Lebendige Stadt Stiftung – 2013
    • SozialMarie – 2017
    • URBACT Good practice award – 2017
    • Volunteer Program of the Year – 2014


    Budapest100 is a civic event launched in 2011 by the Open Society Archives and the Contemporary Architecture Centre (KÉK).

    OSA – Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives

    In 2011, the Goldberger House, the Open Society Archive’s building in the 5th district, celebrated its 100th birthday. This gave us the idea to bring all the houses in Budapest, then 100 years old, together to celebrate on a weekend close to the 100th day of the year.

    The Open Society Archive at the Central European University is a complex archive. On the one hand, it is a repository of important collections, mainly from the Cold War and about human rights, and on the other hand, it is a laboratory for experimenting with new ways of evaluating, contextualising and presenting archival material.

    KÉK – Contemporary Architecture Centre

    The organizing team, 2014. VII. Damjanich utca 102. Fotó © Mohai Balázs

    KÉK – Contemporary Architecture Centre is an independent and open cultural centre and professional workshop that aims to promote the education, knowledge and development of architecture in the widest possible professional and non-professional environment.

    Its aim is to create an open forum for collective reflection and debate on the city, and to make contemporary issues of architecture and urban development accessible to the general public.

    Its programmes receive continuous, high profile national and international attention. In its first 10 years of operation, it organised nearly 500 events, including national and international exhibitions, conferences, debates, workshops, architectural tours and festivals – with more than 400,000 visitors.

    An integral part of its activities is the research and consultancy work it carries out for municipalities and the market sector, mainly in the fields of urban regeneration, real estate development, tourism and environmental protection. KÉK is also involved in various professional networks and international collaborations, and through their curatorial publications, they contribute to a number of national and international professional media.
