Here is the list of the opening buildings for Budapest100 2024



The moment you’ve been waiting for is here: the list of the 36 houses opening during this year’s Budapest100 is finally here. In addition to a number of apartment blocks and housing estates, a research office centre, universities, a funeral chapel and even an observatory is awaiting visitors on 11-12 May. The full, detailed programme will be published at the end of April.

Budapest100 is an architecture and cultural festival of the Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre (KÉK), which has been bringing together residents and city dwellers every year since 2011 during the Weekend of Open Houses. From 2016 onwards, since we are not celebrating 100-year-old houses (because construction in Budapest slowed down during and after the First World War), we have chosen themes or neighbourhoods that not only showcase buildings of outstanding significance, but also draw attention to current urban, heritage and social issues. Our aim with choosing this year’s theme is to start a dialogue on the architecture of a decade, or even a whole era, about which little information is available due to the lack of research. In the absence of knowledge, many buildings of great architectural and heritage value are at risk of demolition or renovation that completely obscures their original character.

Because of their historical context, there is often a negative public perception of buildings from the socialist period, but at international level there are a growing number of projects dealing with the values and legacy of late modern architecture in the Central European region, and a number of initiatives exploring the links between East and West. We are joining these efforts with this year’s programme, which is also one of the highlights of the “Modern Season” of KÉK.

There are many housing estates and prefab buildings on our list, sometimes created with the demolition ofimportant historic neighbourhoods, while offering many people modern, comfortable housing. By focusing on the 1970s, we can examine how we talk about them, how we relate to them, which is important because one fifth of Hungary’s housing stock is made up of prefab housing estates. This year, for the first time, there will be an opportunity to meet the architects, the first residents moving in, and to see how concepts have been achieved, implemented and how neighbourhoods and districts have changed and been renewed over the past fifty years.

The list of participating houses ican be browsed on the Budapest100 website and you can also find them below.

  • I. Víztározó köz // Gellérthegyi Gruber József water reservoir
  • I. Krisztina körút 37/a // Southern Railway Station
  • I. Tárnok utca 13.
  • I. Tárnok utca 9-11. Buda Castle Elementary School
  • II. Ganz utca 13-15.
  • II. Hankóczy Jenő utca 30-32.
  • II. Lévay utca 8.
  • II. Tamara utca 6.
  • III. Árpád fejedelem útja 8. // Császár-Komjádi Swimming Pool
  • III. Laborc utca 2/c // Polaris Observatory
  • III. Óbuda Housing Estate // Kiskorona utca 2-14.
  • V. Szent István tér 7-11.
  • VIII. Nagyvárad tér 4. // Semmelweis University NET
  • VIII. Szabó Ervin tér 2. // BKK Futár Centre
  • VIII. Losonci tér
  • VIII. Losonci tér // Práter utca 56.
  • VIII. Molnár Ferenc tér
  • XI. Allende park
  • XI. Bartók Béla út 48.
  • XI. Budaörsi út 45. // MTA Research Offices
  • XI. Fehérvári út Housing Estate // Rátz László utca 76-86.
  • XI. Kruspér utca 2-4. // BME Vásárhelyi Pál Dormitory
  • XI. Rátz László utca 3-7. // Táncsics Mihály Dormitory
  • XI. Tétényi út 63. // Tétényi út shopping centre
  • XII. Álom utca 16-18.
  • XII. Árnyas út 15.
  • XII. Németvölgyi út 99. // Makovecz Funeral Chapel, Farkasrét Cemetery
  • XIII. Faludi utca 4-6/a-b
  • XIII. Tüzér utca 56-58. // Prevention Centre
  • XIV. Buzogány utca 10-12. // BGE FFaculty of Finance and Accountancy
  • XIV. Füredi utca Housing Estate // Füredi utca 9/b
  • XIV. Ond vezér park 5. // Dr. Mező Ferenc Elementary School
  • XIV. Thököly út 48-54. // BMSZC Petrik Lajos Bilingual Technical School
  • XV. Újpalota Housing Estate // Nyírpalota út 1.
  • XV. Újpalota Housing Estate // Nyírpalota út 71. “Watertower House”
  • XV. Újpalotai Housing Estate // Kavicsos köz 2-4. former school

The full, detailed programme is expected for the last week of April. The printed programme booklet will be available at the Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre (KÉK), the Blinken OSA Archivum and other designated locations, which we will list on Budapest100’s website and social media platforms.

Illustration: Ganz utca 13-15. Photo by Dóra Tóth