
    Data and description

    The former settlement near the capital, the friendly Rákosfalva, with its farmers keeping animals in the dirt streets and small townspeople moving out of the city, is now in vain on the map: in the 1970s, it was replaced by the Füredi Street housing estate within a few years. However, the neo-Romanesque stone church and the Álmos vezér tér school remained. In the neighborhood of these, the four-by-44-apartment Danish panel house was built in the second phase of the housing estate development. Its four stairwells are connected by a glass corridor on the roof, and its 11 levels are connected by two-arm stairs.

    Do you know something about this house? Share with us at the budapest100@kek.org.hu email address!

    House events

      • 10:00 - 12:00
        Exhibition on the history of the building

      • 10:00 - 12:00
        Közösségi program
        Family quiz, game

      • 11:00 - 12:00
        Concert at Cserepesház

      • 12:00 - 12:30
        From Kőkereszt to Zsivora

        A walk led by Csilla Pálfi around the 9th block of Füredi Street

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