
    Budapest100 2024


    The 14th edition of Budapest100 presented the late modern architecture of Budapest in order to facilitate a discussion about the future of this endangered heritage. The buildings from this period have many interesting stories to tell – Budapest architecture lovers had a chance to immerse themselves in this controversial slice of the past during the Weekend of Open Houses and the Urbans Walks Day. It was also an opportunity to discover how houses, streets and even entire neighbourhoods have changed and how their fate has evolved along with the communities that lived in them then and now.

    By choosing this topic, we wanted to start a dialogue about the architecture of a decade, and even a whole era, about which little information is available due to the lack of research. In the absence of knowledge, many buildings of great architectural and heritage value are at risk of demolition or renovation that completely obscures their original character. Because of their historical context, there is often a negative public perception of buildings from the socialist period, but at international level there is a growing number of projects dealing with the values and legacy of late modern architecture in the Central European region, as well as a number of initiatives exploring the links between East and West. We joined in these efforts with this year’s programme, which was also one of the highlights of the “Modern Season” of the program’s organizer, the Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre (KÉK). This year, for the first time, we had the opportunity to meet the architects and the first residents who moved into these buildings, and to see how concepts have been implemented and how neighbourhoods and districts have changed and been renewed over the last fifty years. From the outset, we were sure that these often drab, unwelcoming-looking houses could be brought closer to the people through the means we had already succesfully used before, namely personal stories. The Professionals’ Day on Thursday preceding the Weekend of Open Houses, which has been part of the Budapest100 program since 2022, was guided by the same idea: on 9 May, we conducted 45-50 minute, quick interviews with twelve architects from the 1970s at the Contemporary Architecture Centre’s office on Bartók Béla Road. The interviews were

    published, and we held a book launch on 29 August 2024 in the OKISZ headquarters, an iconic office building from the ’70s, combined with a PechaKucha Night. The presentations can be re-watched on KÉK’s youtube channel. A limited edition of the publication is available at the KÉK’s office, and in pdf format on the KÉK “Tudástár” website. We also plan to publish the talks as podcasts. Friday’s Urban Walks Day was organised in collaboration with the KÉK Urban Walks team, and the houses covered by the walks were also uploaded to the freshly established ModernTéka database. In total, 11 thematic walking tours were held by invited experts, all of whom have been connected to late modern built heritage for some time. In total, 39 houses opened for the weekend, including many unique apartment houses, a church, an observatory, a swimming pool, a funeral chapel, a few office buildings, and, of course, housing estates reflecting the industrialisation of the period. The 292 programs included more than 30 urban walks, led by our volunteers. The positive feedback from volunteers and visitors alike was that the program had achieved its aim and, even if “only” for a weekend, thousands of people were able to discover the late modern buildings of Budapest, once again testifying to the motto of Budapest100, “Every house is interesting”.  

    Event booklet

    Our partners

    Opening houses


      Ábrahám Krisztina, Andrási László, Arutiunian Arina, B29 Ifjúsági Közösségi Tér, Bácskay Andrea, Balaton Anna Lolita, Balázs Borbála, Bálint Andrea, Bálint Janka, Bálint Lilla, Bálint Péter, Bánki László, Bánlakyné Moravetz Edit, Bardi-Kovács Andrea, Barta Ágnes, Beer Zsófi, Béres-Deák Krisztina, Bihari Kati, BME Vásárhelyi Pál Kollégium tanárai és kollégiumi körei, Bohus Zsófia, Bojár Iván András, Bojti Gizella, Bordás Péter, Borók Imre, Branczik Márta, Braun Éva, Budapesti Közművek Nonprofit Zrt. BTI Temetkezési Divízió, Czebe Nikolett, Cziegler Mária, Csatáry Orsolya, Csattos Róbert, Csizik Balázs, Csonka János, Danyi Balázs, Dobosi Mária, Dobrányi Ákos, Dombovári Márton, Dombrovszky Zsófia, Dr. Láng Orsolya, Dr. Máthé Csilla, Dr. Mező Ferenc Általános Iskola pedagógusai, Dragon Tamás, Dragon Zoltán, Ecseki Judit, ELTE BTK Kulturális örökség tanulmányok MA hallgatói, Építésügyi Dokumentációs és Információs Központ munkatársai, Esze Tamás, F. Dóczi Erika, Fáczán Eszter, Farkas Pálma, Fekete Dorottya, Fekete Veronika, Fonyódi Anita, Friedmann Lajosné Ani, Fullár Zoltán, Gaál Balázs, Gallai Ferencné, Gasparikné Jóna Katalin, Gittinger Tibor, Gombár Erzsébet, Göllner Pál, Grócz Árpád, Gugi Anna, Gugyella János, Gurdon Balázs, Gyalogh Boglárka, Gyárfás Noémi, Gyetvay Gabriella, GYIÖT Gyermek- és Ifjúsági Önkormányzati Társaság, Gyöngyösi Péter, Gyönki Viktória, Halmos Judit, Harmath-Gyetvay Enikő, Hegedüs Bettina, Holup Marcell, Hortobágyi Péter, Horváth Edina, Horváth Péter, Illés Zsombor, Jakobetz László, Juhász Emese, Kállai Júlia, Kapcsos Bence, Katona Márk, Kecseti Lídia, Kévés Kata, Kollár Róbert, Kolumbán Zsuzsi, Kondora Dóra, Kordos Szabolcs, Kormos Mercedes, Kovács Krisztina, Kovács Tamás, Kőnig Tamás, Kövér Nóra, Kristóf Boglárka, Kulcsár Géza, Labros Labrousis, László Zoltán, Lencsés Albert, Lévai Dorottya, Lévai Lívia, Ligeti Anna, Maczó Balázs, Major Kata, Maklári-Klekner Mariann, Makuna Jalaghonia, Maróthi-Krett Andrea, Martina Fanni, Matt Dreher, Merker Iván, Milák Szilvi, Miskolczi Péter, Mogyorósy Marietta, Molnár Bianka, Molnár Zsófia Helka, MOME Építészeti Intézet, Nádosi Márta, Nagy Ildikó, Nagy Ildikó, Németh Borbála, Nyári Attila, Pál Rebeka, Pálfi Csilla, Pálinkás Beáta, Pap Gergely, Pápai Andrea, Péterfi Anna, Péterfi Ferenc, Polgár Ádám, Popp Judit, Ravasz Ildikó, Refle-Tatár Barbara, Révész Mária, Ringhofer Ervin, Salamon Tímea, Sándor Natália, Schneider-Bánfalvi Tamás, Sedró Péter, Séra Natália, Sóki Diána, Somody Zoltán, Stummerné Szurok Noémi, Suki András, Surányi Imola, Szabó Annamária, Szádvári Lídia, Száraz Anna Márta, Szeift Igor, Szepesvári Petra, Szilágyi Anna, Szlabey Luca, Szolnok Ádám, Teket Ádám Gábor, Thomas Szczepaniak, Torma Tamás, Tóth Dóra, Tóth Mária, Török Renáta, Turai Katalin Ráhel, Vadász Ágnes, Vadász Attila, Valasinyovszki Lilla, Varga Kinga, Várhegyi András, Veress Kinga, Virág-Nagy Dia, Virányi Anna, Vo Son Nam, Vogel Gábor, Wetzl Márta, Zoltán Áron, Zubreczki Dávid